The essay hits all the notes from humor to dread. I landed back in the cancer clinic all over again. Thanks for bringing that Churchill quote into the conversation.

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Apr 15Liked by Rose Simpson

Oh, Rose! It’s gotta be very tough. You’re a take charge gal. God knows, you’ve had lots of practice! So, it’s an unnatural state for you. I get it. I’d be the same. See this as your “gathering strength” period. Kinda like bears readying for hibernation - only thinner.🙂. Or squirrels gathering nuts?

I understand the panic attacks. I had them sneak up on me during Covid…in the house. I reckon, in my case, maybe it was subconsciously not having control over it. Those panic attacks scared the crap out of me. Until I thought about what and why they arrived out of the blue. Maybe true for you?

I’m thinking about you, kiddo! Keep that fighting spirit. You’re gonna kick Joel’s ass!

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Apr 15Liked by Rose Simpson

The waiting is the hardest part for sure. I found it important to create mini escapes: movies, Robin Williams naughty stand-up, nature documentaries. Little bits of getting away from it all for an hour or so. Heavy reading material doesn't count. With your incisive and creative mind, your brain is probably just going into overdrive. Who can blame it? But, keep writing! We're all here for you!

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